Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.
Hosea 2:14
gives women an opportunity to Pursue an intimate love relationship with God our Father during a 48 hour weekend encounter with Him on a personal and intimate level.
Registration Deadline is 30 days prior to the beginning of each weekend. (Note that you may register for any of the upcoming Pursued weekends).
What is included?
Pursued: God's Divine Obsession with You
(needed for prep work)
How did Pursued change you?
Pursued 4 Participant
"I am grace. I am free. I am fierce."
"He revealed the key to unlock forgiveness. He revealed who my real enemy is. He revealed His fierce love for me. He revealed who I am. I am known."
Pursued 5 Participant
"I am a child of God. I have a renewed spirit that is ready and willing to seek God in relationship on a daily basis."
"I have confidence that God is by my side, that He loves me unconditionally, and that He will never go away."
Pursued 7 Participant
"I have found a new identity in Christ. I've known Him for a long time, but I always felt like I had to perform perfectly and found myself running away/hiding (like that works) from God because I felt so much shame and guilt. To know that I have been pursued since the day I was born by God and nothing I do changes that is a very freeing thing!"
Pursued 7 Participant
"I walked away from Pursued with a sense of freedom I have never experienced before; forgiveness, yes, but not freedom. I now can experience a daily presence with my Savior."
Pursued 2 Participant
"I am more rested, less weary, and at peace. I am loved by God. I am His daughter. My heart is softer and I have a more gentle spirit."
"I feel more love for my Father and a closer, more intimate relationship with Him."