What is Z Experience?
Z Experience is an intense weekend of seeking and encountering God with fellow brothers. The purpose and mission of the weekend is for you to find freedom and life transformation by fully stepping into your identity in Christ.
What do you do on Z Experience?
There is a general framework for every Z Experience; however, the details often differ as each weekend is tailored towards the needs of those attending and according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The general framework includes: Community with fellow brothers, time alone with God, prayer, communion, fasting, study of the Word, worship in song, and teaching.
Is Z Experience a retreat?
Z Experience is not a retreat as normally defined (recreational activity, rest, and relaxation). In keeping with the purpose and mission of the weekend, the entire weekend is utilized to seek after the Father and to receive all He has for you. You should expect to focus all your time on encountering the Living God and you should expect Him to show up in powerful ways as you do so.
Do I have to be at a certain place in my Christian walk with Christ to go on Z Experience?
No. Our infinite God has demonstrated time and again that He is both willing and able to meet men exactly as they are and wherever they are in their walk.
Is there any prep work before the weekend?
Yes. 22 days of prep work is included. The prep work is designed to draw you closer to your Heavenly Father, prepare you for the weekend, and to encourage a habit of engaging in spiritual disciplines.
When do we leave and when do we return?
2:30 p.m. departure from the Altamesa Church of Christ building on the Friday of your event; 5:00 p.m. arrival at the Altamesa church building on the Sunday of your event.
Where is Z Experience held?
The weekend experience is held at the beautiful Watchtower Ranch in Eastland County (about 1.5 hours west of Fort Worth off of I-20). Watchtower Ranch includes approximately 900 acres of land and beautiful housing facilities.